Every year as the leaves turn and the harvest season reaches its peak, the people of Ardendale celebrate the Festival of Souls . A time when the veils separating the land from the dead begin to waver, flutter, and thin. When one might hope for a glimpse of a lost loved one from beyond the pale–but also a time when dreadful things emerge to stalk the night.
Sages and mystics all over the realm claim that the veils are thinner this year than any other in recent memory, and the people are on edge. What’s the best way to draw the attention of the dearly departed, while driving away visitations by the dread dead?
Celebrate the Festival of Souls! Ardendale’s raucous week of music and revelry celebrating all things eerie. Nobles and commoners alike dress in garb that celebrates the spookiness of the season, treats are distributed to the trepidatious, jack o’ lanterns are carved, and a festival mood fills the Autumn air.
This week’s celebration begins October 24 . Someone or something has distributed Cursed Coins across the realm, and these terrible tokens seem to be the source of the damage to the veil. It is up to the Noble houses (that’s YOU) to collect the coins and save the season. It will be worth the while: malignant mystics are willing to trade chests full of precious materials for these vile tokens. Surely collecting a lot of these awful artifacts in one place can’t go horribly wrong at some unspecified time in the future . . .
Cursed Coins are easy to find: Build and collect resources. Dress your Nobles in their most frightening finery starting October 28 , and be there when the Festival of Souls really gets going starting October 30 . Play tricks (all kinds of diabolical Noble Actions) to get treats, send the souls of your enemies to the beyond, and more to collect Cursed Coins aplenty!
In the Store, you’ll find specials and packs to help you achieve your ghoulish goals all festival long. If you have the bones for it, be sure to see what’s on offer.
Don’t miss your chance to join this danse macabre! The Festival of Souls gives up the ghost Midnight on October 31st UTC . Not to worry: the various highly-suspect sages who are trading precious chests for your Cursed Coins will remain for a day or two after.