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Come Revel in Passion Faire

The people of Ardendale are a lusty lot, with hearts full of romance, loins full of whatever loins have (can we say loins?). . . and tempers to match. All that pent up energy has to be released somehow, and it all bursts into full bloom in a one-of-a-kind celebration of all things passion:

Welcome to Passion Faire

It’s a celebration of everything that makes our Noble blood sing: wild romances, the thrill of battle, secret trysts, and when stars align just right, even marriage!

And it all begins February 13 at 12:00 p.m. UTC .

This is no one-day soiree. There are Events all week long and a week-long Passion Faire milestone that rewards Tokens of Affection (the official currency of Passion Faire) when you engage in various celebratory Events. Spend tokens to unlock special chests called Noble Hearts full of lovely goodies.

So how does one celebrate? There are Events every day of the faire, and nearly all of them will advance the Passion Faire milestone, but here are some of the highlights:


Brewed with Love - February 13 at 12:00 p.m. UTC .
Sick of all the love letters and kissy faces? They don’t call it blood lust for nothing, right? Ruthlessly smash NPC camps to earn rewards, including the new and improved Love Potion #9 ½ . It may be brewed with love, but it’s won by battle!

Nobles who drink the heady concoction become delightfully attractive, increasing Boink chance by 69%. Nice.

This will become important later.


Alliance Event: A Passionate Affair - February 14 at 12:00 p.m. UTC

Remember how we said that those love potions would be important later, literally two lines ago? What would Passion Faire be without bounteous bouts of Boinking? Competitive Boinking even. In this Alliance Event everyone is competing to Boink the most.

It’s, uh, really quite the party.


A Royal Wedding - February 16 at 12:00 p.m. UTC

It’s not all random Boinking and bloodshed. Passion Faire is also for true love! Polish up those cubic zirconia and get those proposals prepped, because you’ll be rewarded for successfully Marrying a Noble.

First time? Not quite sure how to tie the knot? We posted a handy Noble marriage primer previously.


Alliance Event: Dressed to Impress - February 17-18 at 12:00 p.m. UTC

Got a passion for fashion? There’s never been a better time to craft equipment and dress your Nobles in sartorial splendor. Earn all manner of Banner bits and bobs in two day solo, milestone, and Alliance events. Of course, who (made) and wore it best will earn the finest rewards.


Final Passion - February 19 at 12:00 p.m. UTC

Parting is such sweet sorrow, but what better way to bid farewell to the faire, than with a bang. Er Boink! This is a great way to earn that last bit of progress on your Passion Faire milestone too!

Devoted to Deals
There will also be an enticing spread of bargains laid out from February 13 through the 18th in the Store , so don’t miss out. If you didn’t grab a bottle of Love Potion 91/2 on the 13th, there’s a second chance bundle with some inside on February 14th too!

Whether your heart desires bliss, battle, or boutique shopping, get your kicks at Passion Faire before the faire ends on February 19th at 12:00 p.m. UTC . You’ll also get a little extra time to unpack those Noble Hearts, but don’t dally!